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dan & patty
Team Pastor - Teaching Pastor, Counseling
Todd & dana
Team Pastor - Celebrate Recovery, Life Groups, Counseling
heath & Charity
Team Pastor- Worship, Creative Arts, Administration
The heart of Triad Church is the heart of Christ: we seek to serve and to minister to those within our walls but also within our community: local and international. Contact any of these ministry leaders for more information on the specific ministries.
Prayer TEam
Elizabeth Eriksen
Security Team
Richard Lowe
Bridging the gap ministry
Michael & Lauren Carter
fifties+ Ministry
Parking Team
Danny damron
Cafe TEam
Kevin matias
Men' Ministry
hugh sutphin
r12 student ministry
pastor Josiah bausum
bruce & karen shockley
Team Pastor - Missions, Administration
Bob & Michelle
Team Pastor - Children's Ministry
Kim Schweizer
Office Manager, Women's Ministry, First Impressions
Leanne Reynolds
Financial Administrative Assistant, Volunteer Coordinator
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